Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue is a condition characterized by extreme and persistent tiredness, weakness, or exhaustion that lasts for at least 6 months and does not improve much with rest. It can make even simple daily activities extremely difficult and severely limit a person's ability to function normally. While the exact cause is unknown, chronic fatigue is thought to result from a complex interplay between many factors, including:

The most debilitating symptom of chronic fatigue is the overwhelming lack of energy and stamina. Even minimal physical or mental exertion can be exhausting. Other common symptoms include: There is no specific diagnostic test for chronic fatigue syndrome. Doctors diagnose it based on a thorough clinical evaluation ruling out other illnesses. Harmony Hormone Clinic provides cutting-edge testing to identify potential hormonal causes. While there is no cure, treatment focuses on symptom management. Getting enough rest, pacing activities, stress reduction, gentle exercise, and addressing any underlying medical conditions can help relieve symptoms. Harmony Hormone Clinic offers personalized treatment plans involving bioidentical hormone therapy, supplements, diet and lifestyle changes to correct imbalances driving fatigue. Though living with chronic fatigue is challenging, with the right treatment many people can regain a decent quality of life and sense of wellbeing. Reach out to the compassionate professionals at Harmony Hormone Clinic to see if we can help you reclaim your energy and vitality!

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