Irritability is a feeling of agitation or restlessness that is often accompanied by feelings of anger or frustration. It refers to a low threshold for frustration, causing someone to overreact to minor annoyances or provocations. Irritability is a common symptom of several mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It can also be caused by lack of sleep, hunger, medication side effects, chronic pain, or illness.
Some key features of irritability include:
- Frequent feelings of impatience, annoyance, or anger - Irritable people have difficulty regulating their emotions and often experience intense feelings of frustration over minor issues. They are easily set off by small inconveniences.
- Overreactions to trivial matters - An irritable person will blow small problems or annoyances out of proportion. Their reactions seem disproportionate to the situation at hand.
- Bad temper - Irritability often manifests as grumpiness, short temper, or low frustration tolerance. Irritable people are prone to temper tantrums, yelling, or snapping at others.
- Lashing out at others - Irritability can lead to hurtful or aggressive behavior toward others, such as insults, criticism, or even physical aggression. The irritable person takes out their bad mood on those around them.
- Inability to concentrate - Irritability and agitation make it hard to focus or think clearly. Irritable people have difficulty maintaining attention.
- Significant distress or dysfunction - The irritability causes significant problems with relationships, work performance, or day-to-day life. It is out of proportion to any external stressors.
If you struggle with chronic, persistent irritability, it is important to see a doctor.
Irritability often responds well to medication when it is caused by an underlying condition like depression, anxiety, ADHD or bipolar disorder. Counseling can also help by teaching coping strategies for managing frustration and anger. Lifestyle changes like getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising, and reducing stress can further alleviate irritability.
Here at
Harmony Hormone Clinic, we often see patients struggling with increased irritability and agitation due to hormone imbalances. Conditions like
hypothyroidism, menopause, andropause, PMS and
PMDD can all cause hormonal changes that lead to irritability. Our compassionate healthcare providers offer cutting-edge testing to check all major hormones including
thyroid, sex hormones, and adrenal hormones. We then develop customized treatment plans involving
bioidentical hormone therapy, nutrition plans, and supplements to restore hormonal balance and relieve irritability.
Our patients report feeling much calmer, more even-keeled, and less prone to anger after we help optimize their hormones. If irritability or mood issues are disrupting your life, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at Harmony Hormone Clinic. Our goal is to help you feel like your best self again!