Lean muscle mass

Lean muscle mass is an important component of overall health and fitness. Having more lean muscle mass can help you burn more calories and fat, even when at rest. It also supports metabolism, mobility, injury prevention, and overall wellbeing. So what exactly is lean muscle mass and how can you build it? Lean muscle mass refers to the amount of muscle on your body after subtracting body fat. It's the functional muscle that powers daily movement and activity. Unlike fat mass, lean muscle mass is metabolically active, meaning it requires calories and energy even at rest. The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you burn around the clock. Some key benefits of increasing lean muscle include:

So how can you build and maintain more lean muscle? Here are some proven strategies: Building lean muscle takes consistency with strength training, nutrition, and lifestyle habits. Be patient through plateaus and keep challenging your muscles. Maintaining lean mass provides key benefits for health, function, metabolism, and body composition. Reach out to Harmony Hormone Clinic to learn more about optimizing hormones for lean muscle goals!

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