Mood swings are sudden, unexpected shifts in mood that can go from feeling positive and upbeat one moment to feeling sad, irritable, or angry the next. Mood swings are very common and most people experience them now and then. However, when mood swings happen frequently or interfere with daily life, it could signal an underlying issue like depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder.
What causes mood swings? There are several potential causes:
How long do mood swings last? This depends on the underlying cause. Mood shifts related to menstrual cycles or stress may be short-lived. Mood swings from medical conditions and mental health disorders tend to be more severe and longer-lasting. Acute mood swings pass within a few hours or days, while chronic mood instability persists for weeks or more at a time.
When are mood swings a concern? Frequent and intense mood swings, mood swings that last a long time or seem out of proportion to triggers, and mood swings that disrupt work, relationships and daily activities could indicate an underlying issue that requires medical attention. It's especially important to seek help if mood swings are accompanied by suicidal thoughts or behavior.
What can be done about mood swings? Here are some tips:
With some lifestyle changes and extra self-care, mild mood swings can often be kept in check. But recurrent, extreme mood swings may need evaluation and treatment by a professional. Don't hesitate to reach out for help if mood swings are taking over your life! With proper care, most cases of mood instability can be improved.