Vaginal dryness

What is vaginal dryness?

Vaginal dryness is a common condition that affects many women, especially after menopause. It occurs when the vagina does not produce enough natural lubrication and feels dry or irritated during sexual activity. Some key facts about vaginal dryness:

Vaginal dryness is not necessarily a sign of inadequate arousal. Even if a woman is sexually excited, she may not produce enough lubrication. Using a personal lubricant can help make intimacy more comfortable.

Some common symptoms of vaginal dryness include:

If left untreated, vaginal dryness can have some negative long-term effects:

So what are some solutions for vaginal dryness?

If over-the-counter lubricants don't provide enough relief, see your gynecologist. They can determine if prescription estrogen or other therapies may help. At Harmony Hormone Clinic, our experienced physicians can evaluate your symptoms and customize a treatment plan for lasting vaginal health and comfort. With personalized care and the latest therapies, most women find significant improvement. Don't suffer in silence - make an appointment today to discuss solutions for vaginal dryness. You deserve to enjoy intimacy without pain or irritation!

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